Mikrotöne – Small is Beautiful 2


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Autor: Agustín Castilla-Ávila
Seiten: 69, über 60 Abbildungen


Internationalen Gesellschaft für Ekmelische Musik.

Die Internationale Gesellschaft für Ekmelische Musik wurde 1981 von Franz Richter Herf und Rolf Maedel gegründet und hatte Salzburg zu einem neuen Zentrum mikrotonaler Musik werden lassen. Es ergab sich die Notwendigkeit, künftige künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten in der Form einer Gesellschaft zu koordinieren.

The articles in this book (Vol. 2) are selected papers presented at an international symposium “Mikrotöne: Small is Beautiful” at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg, organized by the International Ekmelic Music Society (IGEM). The International Ekmelic Music Society was founded in 1981 by Franz Richter Herf and Rolf Maedel and caused Salzburg to become a new center of microtonal music. It was considered necessary to coordinate

Table of contents

Agustín Castilla-Ávila: Prologue.
Ivan Cancialosi: An Introduction to Microtonality in Western Music Tradition.
Ferhat Çaylı: Obtaining Microtones on Open-String Instruments: A Technique from 15th-Century Turkish Manuscripts.
Elisa Järvi: The Keyboard expands – Working on the New Quarter-Tone Piano.
Christian Klinkenberg: “Das Kreuz der Verlobten” – the Story of a microtonal Opera.
Eleni Ralli: On the Benefit of renotating Harry Partch’s Music for understanding and analyzing his harmonic Language.
Ulf-Diether Soyka: A sonic Function Model for microtonal Music.
Noah Dean Jordan: Special Properties of 15 Equal Tuning and its Relationship to Others.
Julio E. Marco-Franco: 34-tone golden scales notation.


Über den Autor

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